In a way, it’s a different kind of nudism. With dunes, hills, and even fences and buildings. These barriers give a sense of security or of being hidden, but still allow us our freedom.
For me, it was like I had taken my clothes off for the first time … again. It started with insecurity. I pictured someone with a telescope somehow at the right place and time watching me and I know it reflected in my initial moments.
That feeling quickly passed. I was having too much fun. There was more space than I could fill up with all my energy. No matter how far I ran or high I jumped, I wouldn’t bump into anything, crash through something or collide with anybody. I was overwhelmed by space. Sharing the feeling with my dear Nudist Friends is one of the most happiness things.
Looking back, I feel we live with too many barriers. Part of nudism is removing those barriers that stand between us and our fellows to form stronger and more human bonds. Which is great.

I would like to no more