Thursday, May 26, 2016

Give Nudism A Try.

Good to do what’s comfortable. Everyone has different levels of comfort when going nude. Sometime it skews way past comfort and leads to necessity. Clothing just feels icky after awhile.

In a nude, body-positive world, going nude about daily activities and work shouldn’t be a problem. It should be the solution. Nudity breaks down barriers. It’s helps people bond with each other in professional matters. It allows us to emphasize with each other more easily and to convey our feelings in an honest way. 

Try social nudity. Experience the changes. 
There’s just something about being nude with Nudist Friends that is better than being clothed. Like we’re so tied up in our image or persona that we forget to just have fun and be ourselves. It puts a wall up. When we can be ourselves with others, that’s friendship, no matter what. 

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