Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Living the Nude Life.

Nudity transforms our lives by reminding us of who we are and how we were meant to live life.

We were meant to live nude all the time. Only wearing clothes when we needed to for warmth or protection. When we break out of the grip clothing has on us, it can feel like we’ve been transformed or born again. Sharing nudes with Nudist Friends.

Clothes are a great idea when you need protection from something - weather, hazardous materials, danger from injury from the activity, etc. But most activities can be done nude. For instance, working out can be done nude. Just make sure you have a spotter when lifting. Otherwise, clothing just restricts body movements and prevents the skin from breathing and sweating.

We can feel like we’re becoming something powerful, something magical, something meaningful, something that we don’t ever what to give up. That thing is us as we should be.

Nudity reconnects us with ourselves. We don’t know what it will reveal. How could we? The important thing is to embrace who we are and go into it with open minds.

One thing is for sure, our lives will never be the same, but will always be as we feel we should. Meet nudist friends on the Nudist Dating Site. Get outside and get naked with Nudist Friend. Explore nature the way it was meant to be experienced.

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