Friday, June 10, 2016

Run In Nudity.

The Rat Race. The Human Race. People say we’re “racing through life.” Before we know it, it’s over. We might not be able to make the race go slower, but with nudity we can make it easier and more enjoyable.

It’s easier because first and foremost we feel better about ourselves. Nobody wants to do anything when they feel terrible. Do as much as you can to make things favorable for you.

Life isn’t a competition. Which means we can enjoy it with nudist friends. I know few groups that are as cooperative and accepting as nudist groups.

Finally, living nude helps us pace ourselves. We can keep better tabs on our progress and understand that we can enjoy life. Why rush through it?

Why hold yourself back or make the race more difficult? Nobody ever got a “made it unnecessarily difficult prize.”

We were meant to run this race nude. Let’s get to it. To know more on the Nudist Websites.

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