Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Nudist - Body Charge

We don’t recharge by plugging in like a phone or computer. Humans recharge in various, and sometimes complicated, ways. For some of us that includes taking our clothes off.

When we remove our clothing we can feel a surge of energy. Like a new connection is made with the world. Sensations flow in, our mind focuses, and our bodies come alive. All the irritation and tension of the day drain away. It’s replaced by a comfort and an ease with who we are, our surroundings, and maybe even with those around us. Most of all, we feel a control over ourselves.

Just like introverts need their space and extroverts need company, nudists need time to be nude with Nudist Friends. It’s who we are. It’s how our bodies work. It shouldn’t be thought any differently than taking a bubble bath or hitting the gym.

When we’re nude, we can realize and appreciate every part of our body and and feel life flowing through us.

What’s your way of recharging?

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