Thursday, December 1, 2016

Nudist Friends Vacation.

The possibilities for nude and naturist vacations are endless. Nudist Friends spend time in the nude.
Naturism is a good thing, healthy and pure; nothing to be ashamed of nor to hide. Embrace it and live it. Let it breathe your existence. To deny your nakedness, to deny another’s nakedness … is to denounce creation in its purest form. Do not silence that breath. Let it flourish. Let it grow. It’s a gift to accept; a gift to share with nudist friends. In doing so, we express our sincerest form of gratitude to the GIVER of this gift.

Right now, nudists/naturists can book a nude cruise, they can travel to beaches, explore resorts, and free hike in many areas around the world.

There are public events such as the World Naked Bike Ride and festivals where people can participate nude all while helping promote a good cause or just enjoying the culture.

But what is really great about nude vacationing and adventuring is that it is the epitome of social nudity since it brings nudists together. Like most things, nudity can’t fully be appreciated unless there are others to share it with. Why not share moments that will last a lifetime?

So grab Nudist Friends and go on that adventure. Take nudity to new heights.

Don’t forget the sunscreen.

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