Saturday, October 15, 2016

All About Nude

Naturism and digital media: We may see some of the same images again and again on favored social media platforms, sometimes with comments and sometimes without, but these images are our “meaning”. I mean these images are a collective, shared meaning, kind of like a well-known story being told and told again, with the moral (point) of the story varying a little here, or maybe more over there!

Images with simply nudity, not the explicit style ones, are normalizing society’s understanding of behaviors including nudity; they are “de-escalating” its potency. Hopefully. However this is only true, only possible, when people keep sharing the images, keep telling stories with the images and restore the comments they added to these images once before! The more time devoted to making nudity simple, dialing it down a notch, and expressing an everyday love for it, the better everyone’s behavior toward it should become! Meet Nudist Friends on the Nudist Dating Site. Share your nude cruise adventures with other nudist friends on the nudist dating site for nudists from all over the world.

There is an educational purpose to this effort and normalization of nudity, or the reconditioning people’s awareness OF nudity, serves an important purpose. Nudity is something everyone has or can do, so it is more universal than any other quality or characteristic we share. If 50% of people are men, and 50% are women, the things we can each do such as be “good”, be “productive” or be nude, are the things we have 100% in common with each other.

Only a small number may be doctors, architects, college graduates or musicians, only a small number can be law enforcement, teachers, engineers or artists. In this world, some people will be heterosexual, some homosexual, and a smaller number self identify as Bisexual, transgender or some other characteristic, and speaking knowledgeably of any of these things is an important skill. This is also true of social nudity, the practices of nudism, and the people who enjoy or love being nude whenever it is reasonably possible. We think there could be more places, should be more times, and hope people will adjust their beliefs towards “simple nudity” being acceptable! This effort is something that WILL take time, HAS been ongoing for generations (with parents and grandparents identifying as nudists) and CAN reshape more and more people’s basic reactions and fundamental behaviors toward nudity.

The “how” of accepting the whole nude body.

The “why” of accepting the whole nude body.

Nudists love being nude, naked with NudistFriends, not doing anything specific with it. In the same way other self identifying groups also want to be accepted as those things, along with EVERYTHING else they are in life, we seek to educate and enlighten anyone who will listen to the moderate, hopeful, peaceful things we believe and practice openly. Goodness happens in many ways when we accept it as possible.