Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Working Nude.

Working nude is very enjoyable. For me, things become more focused and I feel a greater sense of accomplishment. It feels like I’m doing what I do best and loving every minute of it. On my own terms and for myself.

When I’m given an assignment, I immediately start checking for nude possibilities. Do I have my own hotel room? Are there any getaways nearby? Is there any time for me to be me? (That’s what nudity is about. Being ourselves, right?) Is there a way to do the job nude because I’m on my own?

Fortunately, on the nudist dating site, I know many local NUDIST FRIENDS. They share their experience to me. I can take a lot of work home. There are never any questions about my methods (outside checking on my staying within standard procedure) and I don’t volunteer anything.

Some of my co-workers know I’m a nudist, but it hasn’t changed anything. Except I can now tell them which resort I’m going to instead of saying “a resort” and getting all weird by trying to come up with something last minute. One other thing has changed. They ask if it is a “ NUDIST DATING” now. It always makes me smile, and they laugh.

There are few things as freeing as nudity and fewer as widely applicable. What would you try to do nude? What have you done nude?

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