Monday, February 8, 2016

Life Centered.

Nudism can center our life. Be nude with nudist friends. It naturally calms us and helps us focus on what’s important. It allows us to work well with others and build strong communities.

If we can’t be centered, then nothing else about our lives will be centered. Confucius wrote that a stable community is seated in a stable house and self. Nudity centers us by removing the things that would distract us. Without these distractions we can see what our priorities and goals are.

Distractions nudists don’t normally have to deal with are hang ups like low self-image or other body issues that come with a society that’s obsessed with appearances. We can more clearly see what’s important in life and what we can do to keep on track.

When we are stable and centered in our own lives with our priorities in balance and focused we can be more proactive in our community. It isn’t only limited to our neighborhood community but also our work and nudist communities. In nudist communities it may allow for more volunteering options or other work to help support the movement. It could be increased confidence to share nudity with others. It all comes from a place of being centered with ourselves.

It’s worth understanding why nudity is a part of our lives and how it helps us. How does nudity center us and make our lives better? What is it that you get from living a nude life?

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