Thursday, September 8, 2016

Clean Nudity.

Nudists live a clean life! Day-to-day nudists are cleaner and more hygienic than textiles by a long shot. It’s part of our tradition and way of life.
Let’s start with the obvious: clothing. Ever since going nude I haven’t been sick. That’s because my body is able to regulate and clean itself the way it was meant to.

Clothing traps dirt, pollution, and bacteria and holds it against our skin. It allows it to grow and get inside us. Removing clothes removes the threat. Being nude also makes it easier to wash off after a long day.

Being nude is also an environmentally clean way of living. Without clothing there’s less to wash and less waste overall. We’re also more conscious and aware of our environment, which can help us protect it.

For some, nudity is a way to keep a clean and healthy mind. Alone, nude living and mediation is very beneficial to creating balance in our lives.

In Nudist Community, we can see what actual people look like and appreciate the wide scope humanity has to offer. Social nudity also reminds us that we all deserve equal respect and consideration.

Living a clean and healthy life is a goal we should all strive to achieve.

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